Plant a Tree
Buy a farmer a tree!
You can make a direct contribution to the restoration of ecological function and biodiversity in the Western Australian Wheatbelt, South West and Great Southern by donating a tree that goes towards a carbon and biodiversity planting on our farmers' farms.
We currently have an aggregated reforestation project under way, working with a team of experts and our farmers to develop nearly 200 hectares of native tree plantings. Donations collected will be used to purchase native seedlings that will be planted on our farmers farms as part of these projects.
Our first project took place in 2022 on Warren Pensini's farm - Blackwood Valley Beef - at Boyup Brook in the South West. Warren is working with Commonland and the Mulloon Institute to implement a landscape rehydration project on his farm. As part of the 2023 tree planting component of this project, a further 160 hectares across 5 farms totalling over 100,000 seedlings will be planted.
This is a fantastic effort that will make a real difference. We are now offering our customers the chance to donate a tree to the next stage of this project. The updated price of the trees includes the cost of site preparation. You can buy as many trees as you like or add one with every order. Stay tuned for updates as the planning for our next tree planting project unfolds!