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What's In the Box This Week?

Enjoy fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables every week from WA local farmers.

How it Works

Check "What's in the Box" list on Monday and order before 3.3pm to receive your box for the week.

Select your preferred delivery day from the available dates on our calendar, or create a recurring subscription to receive a regular box.

Uncover your exciting mix of fruit and vegetables and enjoy fresh produce that supports WA farmers!


Seasonal Box Contents

Week of 16.09.24

Here is what's in the box for this week, direct from Anthony from Southern Forest Produce.  Unfortunately, we are unable to receive custom requests to alter or change your box.

Fruit & Veg Box- SMALL

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Fruit & Veg Box- LARGE

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Veg Only Box- SMALL

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Veg Only Box- LARGE

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Fruit Only Box

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Organic Produce Box Contents

Week of 16.09.24

Potato, carrot, sweet potato, onion brown, onion red, beetroot, pumpkin, bean, tomato, cauliflower, parsley, lettuce, kale, silverbeet, rocket and avocado

Carrots, potato, sweet potato, onion red, onion brown, beetroot, bean, tomato, cauliflower, cos, kale, parsley and avocado

Check out what's in the box this week, direct from Chris Maus at Maus Organic Produce.  Unfortunately, we are unable to receive custom requests to alter or change your box.

Large Mixed Fruit & Veg - $95

All of the listed assortment
approximately 11 veg and 4 fruit varieties*.

Small Mixed Fruit & Veg - $65

Most of the listed assortment
approximately 9 veg and 3 fruit varieties*.

Supply Update
There has been a shortage in organic produce from the dry weather experienced in the last few months. Due to the nature of organic farming, produce can be heavily affected by seasonal changes and conditions that affect the growing of crops and organic Growers livelihood. We have been advised that the variety and quality of the produce will improve significantly coming into the warmer weather. Chris and the team at Maus Organics are doing their best to improve the quality of their produce, and we are thankful for our customers understanding and support.

Join a Community of Conscious Consumers

Did you know? Australia wastes 7.6m tonnes of food each year. We've partnered with SecondBite to donate 54,830kgs of food which equates to 109,660 meals for people in need in the 22/23 financial year.

We minimise waste with our pre-order system. This reduces any risk of over ordering, and creating food waste.

Dirty Clean Food chefs and team utilise any extra or close to date produce for recipe development, team lunches and more.

Our product images and promotional shots are of real food, cooked in real kitchens. (we eat it all afterwards!)


[c/o Australian Institute]

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Our Core Beliefs

Dirty Clean Food was founded on the 4 Returns Framework: a science-based framework that is proven in practice. It transforms degraded ecosystems by focusing on 4 key returns over the course of a single generation, or 20 years:


Return of Inspiration

Giving people hope and a sense of purpose

Social Return

Bringing back jobs, education and social connections

Natural Return

Restoring biodiversity and soils for healthy and resilient landscapes

Financial Return

Realising long-term sustainable income for communities

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