Update on Dirty Clean Food's Regenerative Farmer Tree Project.
Loaded and ready to deliver! The fantastic team at Boola Boornup nursery have grown and raised 65,494 trees for us to plant as part of our Aggregated Carbon Project - the Dirty Clean Food Regenerative Farmer Tree Project.
This truckload of trees - 53,790 in fact - are destined for Goodies Farm down in Kendenup, where Dale and Penny Goodwin are putting aside over 50 hectares to be planted out with a diverse mix of trees and shrubs.
Four of our Dirty Clean Food Farmers have joined together to plant almost 200 hectares of trees across their farms over two years.
Last year Warren Pensini was the first farmer to plant trees as part of this project, with over 23,000 trees planted. This year Warren will be planting around another 11,000 trees, some to fill gaps from last years planting, and some new areas for this year.
Last week we took a photo of Warren with his biggest tree, and Acacia saligna or orange wattle, which has only been in the ground for 11 months!